In our home, we are big animal lovers! I grew up with dogs and now so have my boys. Studies have shown that having dogs as pets can be incredibly beneficial, especially for kids with autism and/or ADHD. For those who want to take a step further, some families have obtained a therapy or service dog for their child with autism. So what is it about dogs that help with both autism and ADHD?
Our son J has now grown up with four dogs during his childhood and teenage years. First, there was my yellow Labrador retriever named Venus. She was 10 years old when he was born and passed away when J was just two years old. He obviously doesn’t remember her very much. Then there was Sarge – our wonderful Newfoundland mix who was the most affectionate dog I’ve ever met. He truly was the “gentle giant” that was so pretty he stopped traffic literally when I would be walking him. People just had to know what type of dog he was and would stop their cars to ask me. Sarge was with us for 11 years, and we miss him dearly.
Now, we have two wonderful dogs – Darla, who is half Husky/half mutt, and Lincoln, who is a goofy American Staffordshire Terrier/Boxer/and who-knows-what-else mix. Our family loves dogs, and they have brought many of the benefits I mention below to J and, in most cases, our whole family.

How do dogs help with autism and ADHD? A dog can:
1. Lower family stress levels
Stress is a big factor of living with a child with autism/ADHD. Their behavior challenges and the amount of care needed affects the whole family. Studies show that parents benefit from lower stress levels from having a pet dog.
2. Reduce meltdowns
Meltdowns are involuntary and generally caused by sensory overload. A dog’s presence can provide support to the child when they are feeling overwhelmed through their senses. This support can lead to fewer meltdowns overall for a child with autism/ADHD.
3. Increase confidence

Some research has shown that children with autism who have a pet or therapy/service dog have higher levels of independence and confidence. Studies indicate that autistic kids with dogs were better able to introduce themselves, respond to questions and ask for more information.
4. Improve social skills
A dog is great conversation starter. When a child has a dog and other kids like dogs, it gives them something in common. Good social skills are so important, and our kids with autism/ADHD usually struggle with social situations. Having a dog helps kids engage more with one another and helps them increase social skills.
5. Provide calming effect
When your child is upset, dogs can help calm them. I know both of our boys have often spent time petting and cuddling with our dogs when they were sad, anxious or hurt. The dog was able to help them calm down faster than anything we as parents could do.
6. Give emotional support
In addition to calming children (and parents!), dogs give general emotional support. Usually, they are wonderful listeners. Our dog Darla was trained as a therapy dog (even though she never received her certification), so she is instantly drawn to any of us when we are feeling strong emotions. She tends to be in the middle of any situation, offering her support to us. Studies have shown that dogs can especially help when someone is depressed and/or anxious.
7. Teach planning skills

Let’s face it – dogs can be a lot of work. They are worth every bit of it though! We need to walk them, play with them, feed them, clean them and more. By having your child with autism/ADHD help with these tasks, they can learn valuable skills for planning. They also will learn the importance of being consistent with the tasks that need to be done daily.
If you are not a “dog person,” research shows that other pets are helpful for children with autism/ADHD too. Those can include guinea pigs, hamsters, cats and even fish.
So do you have dogs that help with autism and ADHD? If so, leave a comment below and share with others. Let’s support one another on this journey!