by Tamara | Oct 24, 2021 | Finances, Long-term planning
When you have a child with autism, you worry about their future. Will they be able to live independently? Can they have a career? What about financial decisions? Autism is a spectrum, so the level of support our children will need when they are adults will vary. For...
by Tamara | Oct 16, 2021 | Parenting
We all need to get away sometimes and see new places and have new experiences. Sometimes, we have to travel by airplane. That can be challenging for families who have children with both autism and ADHD. Yet, with good preparation, you can enjoy the flight and look...
by Tamara | Oct 3, 2021 | Parenting
As parents, we all want our children to make friends and socialize with others. That is no different for those us with autistic and ADHD kids. One way you can help is by arranging playdates for your autistic and ADHD child. But how should you prepare your child so...
by Tamara | Sep 26, 2021 | Behaviors, Understanding behaviors
As a parent of an autistic/ADHD child, I hear it all the time: People with autism don’t have any empathy. Well, that may be right about half of the time. However, it’s not necessarily because of autism. Instead, it is from a condition called alexithymia, and research...
by Tamara | Sep 18, 2021 | Getting Help, Treatments/Services
Sleep is so important for our health and overall well-being. Unfortunately, sleep can be a real struggle for people with autism and ADHD. As a parent of an autistic/ADHD child, it can be challenging for us too because if our child is not sleeping well, usually we are...
by Tamara | Sep 5, 2021 | Getting Help, Treatments/Services
Many children with autism and ADHD have difficulty communicating as well as expressing and understanding emotions. Art offers a way for many people to express how they feel. That is true for children with autism and ADHD. So how can art, and specifically art therapy,...
by Tamara | Aug 29, 2021 | Getting Help
Dogs are wonderful creatures, and they can be especially beneficial to children with autism and ADHD. Not only do they make fantastic pets, but they also help our children improve social skills, lower stress, increase confidence, reduce meltdowns and provide emotional...
by Tamara | Aug 14, 2021 | Parenting
For some, autistic children can be fascinated with fire trucks, police cars and other things that are related to first responders. For others, first responders could seem scary to them when there are situations that include loud sirens and other sensory overwhelm....